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Celebrating Mabon

The Autumnal Equinox, or Mabon, is the second of three Celtic harvest festivals.  It occurs September 22, 2024 at 8:44 am EST, marking the half-way point between the summer and winter solstices.  Some refer to it as the authentic thanksgiving*, and it was and still is celebrated by many cultures.  The earth’s polar axis is 90° relative to the sun (having reached 0° Libra); thus, the day/night are momentarily equal.** 

Life is now preparing for the dormant months to follow. Our senses sharpen and we enjoy strong vibrant visuals of yellow, gold, and red leaves, shrubs, and flowers.  The scents of herbs, spices, and fruit penetrate our nostrils and tantalize our tastebuds.  We can hear the wind calling, as the migratory birds cry in the sky.  It  is nudging us to let go of the outward energy of summer, create balance, while we prepare for the inward journey of winter contemplation.

Astrologically, the Virgo energies preceding Mabon works very well with the power flow.  Fall cleaning*** and assessments focus on home, health, and work/school.  September, or Meán Fómhair  (Irish for September) provides a last chance to finish the business of spring/summer so the dark season can be passed as a time of reflection and peace. 

The glyph for Libra symbolizes weighing scales, an oxen yoke, and the setting sun halfway below the horizon.  Mabon, was a festival for giving thanks to the fertile earth while bidding farewell to the waning sun (Celtic god Lugh) as the days began to shorten.  It was a time of drawing together and drawing in.  In the spirit of appreciation, offerings of herbs, cider, and fertilizer were scattered over the fields and under trees.

In British, Welsh, and Irish traditions, the quarter days (Yule, Ostara, Midsummer, Mabon) were the four dates each year when servants were hired, school terms started, and rents were due. Mabon was a time observed to ensure that debts and unresolved lawsuits were not allowed to linger.  Payments, bartering, and collections were exchanged and publicly recorded as you literally “reaped what you sowed.”

Michaelmas, the Christian-created feast observed Sept. 29-30, dates to the fifth century in Rome, and coincides with the harvest Mabon.  It currently honors St. Michael the Archangel and all Angels. The name Michaelmas results from a shortening of "Michael's Mass" in the same way that Christmas is a shortening of “Christ's Mass” and Candlemas was originally “Candle Mass.”   



O, Michael, Angel of Fall, help us to winnow out negativity

and all dysfunctional attitudes that dim our radiant light.

Enable us to surmount the external changes that confront us in our lives,

and bring us to a place of peace where we are deeply content with ourselves

This or something better, 3x3x3


Equinox activities

* Potato – Leek Soup

In a soup pot melt some butter and stir in the whites of leeks chopped and rinsed  (1 large or a few small). Crumble in some leftover bacon or real bacon bits (up to 2 strips or a Tbsp or so as preferred) optional.

As the mixture dries out a bit, add dry white wine (½ cup) and bring to a boil. Add approx. 4-6 cups chicken stock (depending on portions needed or potatoes available). I use 1 large box chicken stock and 1 can of veggie broth depending on what is available in my pantry.

Prepare and drop into the pot a bouquet garni/loose-leaf tea holder filled with peppercorns (10-19), bay leaves (1-2) and thyme (2-4 sprigs fresh or a bit dried).  Feel free to put in a chunk or two of the best green leaves from leek to be removed later. 

Peel and quarter potatoes (e.g., Russets or any other kind, approximately 5-7, depending on your broth amount and thinness of soup).  I plan on 1 potato per person plus 1 for good measure as my guide. 

Simmer 30 minutes, remove the garni/tea holder and any green leek leaves. Press the softened potatoes with a potato masher and cream with a hand mixer or use a food processor.  Add a dash of white pepper, and optional splash of milk or heavy cream (1/2 cup or so).

Serve topped with some snipped chives and enjoy!


** Mark your outdoor cardinal points during Autumn Equinox, because the sun will rise at true east and set straight at true west.


***Witchy folklore customs include several recipes for holy water that can also be used as a floor wash, as a general cleanser of negativity that can be sprinkled about to rid negativity and to heal people, places, and things.  One basic formula is:  8-ounce water, 1/4-ounce isopropyl alcohol, and pulverized herbs selected for their magical properties strained through cheesecloth.

Contributed by Wendolyn Sky Otter

Images courtesy of Dreamstime

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