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Conversation on The Fate of the Earth with Sun Bear

Sun Bear, Chief of the Bear Tribe Medicine Society

Audio Recording: Prophesies of the Millennium

In this interview Sun Bear addresses how we have abused the earth and what he sees as the consequences of that abuse will be. He shares prophecies, some may seem rather far out but many have already happened , and he advises us all to be prepared - for this is the beginning of the significant earth changes. Whether you perceive his vision as mythology, story telling or prophecy he provides a compelling argument that - which we now know as global warming requires a new path forward for humanity and our relationship to the planet.

Fate of the Earth: Prophecies for the Millennium - Sun Bear

Posted by Paul Robear & Laura Lee

From the Archives:

This live interview was recorded on November 25, 1990 on the nationally syndicated radio program, hosted by Laura Lee .


We just found and posted our interview on Earth Changes with Sun Bear from November 1990.


Sun Bear, a teacher of Chippewa descent, was the founder and Medicine Chief of the Bear Tribe. Sadly, Sun Bear passed away in 1992 but he was a world-renowned lecturer and teacher and the author and co-author of eight books - perhaps best known for his 1980 book “The Medicine Wheel". He also was the publisher of the Wildfire magazine and founder of the World Earth Fund.

Wind Daughter with Sun Bear

(Wind Daughter is the present Chief of the Bear Tribe Medicine Society)

As the adopted daughter of Bear Heart, a Muskogee Creek elder, Wind Daughter brings Good Medicine. She is a Grandmother, carrying the spiritual teachings of Sun Bear and her own Visions from Great Spirit since 1983. Sun Bear passed The Bear Tribe on to Wabun Wind at his passing into Spirit. Wind Daughter became Medicine Chief of the Bear Tribe Medicine Society when Wabun Wind passed it to her in 1996. In 2006 the Tribe was transformed into the Panther Lodge Bear Tribe Medicine Society. Her teachings are done through the Sacred Pipe, Medicine Wheel, Sweat Lodge, Earth Dance, Women's Gatherings, Creative Workshops, Pipe Carrier's Dance, and so much more! Her gatherings and ceremonies are experiential to nourish the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Healing can come forth to those who feel the experience of the Medicine from Great Spirit. We are all people of the Earth Mother. Wind Daughter honors all people that receive her Teachings.

Sun Bear's Book:

Black Dawn Bright Day

Join as a Member of the Panther Lodge Bear Tribe Medicine Society

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