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Grandmother's Musings: Acting on Messages from Spirit

Today I wanted to discuss the importance of acting on messages and visions from Spirit. When we receive a ceremony or a ritual or a song, it needs to be shared. I know there can be a tendency to procrastinate because we're all so busy or because the vision isn't fully fleshed out and we want to get it "right." However, the longer we put off doing what we've been asked to do, the harder it is to get started. A great example of this is the Pipe Carriers' Dance.

I didn't receive the vision for creating the dance all at once. Messages and visions came to me sporadically over a period of months. However, I knew it was important that I share this vision with our community, so I introduced the first Pipe Carriers' Dance at the next Medicine Wheel Gathering we were holding. And as you learned from my last post on this topic, the ceremony has continued to change and evolve over time. If I'd waited until every detail was clear, we'd have missed many opportunities to heal Mother Earth, honor the Sacred Pipe, and provide an opportunity to strengthen the resolve of pipe carriers to keep carrying the medicine.

I know it's hard to carry a vision to fruition, to remember everything you've been told and shown, and to share it with the world. However, I'd encourage people to act when Spirit asks something of them. Don't get too hung up on making everything perfect -- especially the first time. Do the best you can do at remembering the vision, writing it down, and then bringing it to reality. The longer we wait, the greater the risk of forgetting about it and losing the opportunity to serve.

How have you acted on a vision or message from Spirit? Have you shared it with the world? How did that make you feel? And how was your vision received? Please let me know.

Learn more about this year's Pipe Carriers' Dance in Michigan HERE.

Register to attend the dance HERE. Please note: sending Wind Daughter money is not the same as registering this year. Please do both.

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