A Navajo Story
Long, long ago, when the Earth was new, there lived in a certain village a woman who was a very skilled weaver. Her weaving became known throughout the village. Other village people came to her to have her weave their baskets, blankets and wall-hangings. So it was that she became proud and began to imagine herself the finest weaver in the village.
As time passed, her reputation as a fine weaver began to extend beyond her village. People from other villages came to see and barter for her baskets, blankets and wall-hangings. So it was that she became proud and began to imagine herself the finest weaver in her region.
As more time passed, her weaving became known over all of Turtle Island, and her baskets, blankets and wall-hangings became much sought after on all the trade routes. Traders came from places she had not even heard of to barter for her work. So it was that she became proud and began to imagine herself the finest weaver on Turtle Island.
Nothing was known of any land beyond Turtle Island, so she soon began to imagine herself the finest weaver in all of Creation. This did not escape the notice of Creator.
Soon Creator came to the village of this woman, and he came to her home and looked upon the fine weavings she had created. "These are fine weavings," Creator said, "but do you really believe you are the finest weaver in all of Creation?" The woman answered that she did. "Well then," said Creator, "let us have a contest, you and I, to see who is the finest weaver in all of Creation." In a moment of foolish pride the woman agreed.
Creator allowed the woman to go first. She sat at her loom and wove a weaving of exquisite beauty. It was by far the finest work she had ever done and the people of her village were overwhelmed by the beauty and technique of her work. Creator agreed that it was a fine weaving, perhaps the finest which had ever been made on Turtle Island.
Now it was Creator's turn to weave. Creator reached into the sky with his right hand and wove the clouds across the eastern sky. Creator reached into the sky with his left hand and wove a sunset across the western sky. Then with both hands he wove the stars across the night sky. The woman bowed her head with shame, knowing that her pride had caused her to think more highly of herself than was proper.
Then Creator spoke to her again. "Your pride must be punished, but I will leave you your excellent weaving abilities." So it was that Creator turned the woman into the spider, the second finest weaver in all of Creation!
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