Polls of adults living in temperate climates frequently report that only 10-11% of people say that winter is their favorite season. Although the cold, snow, and icy conditions make it harder to get around, and there is an increased chance of experiencing sniffles and other winter maladies, there is much beauty in this season and much we can learn from it.

Winter is a great time to spend in nature, since snow insulates sound, making the experience quieter. Also, it's easier to spot the animals that are out and about. Furthermore, if you're someone who values your solitude, then because fewer people enjoy the cold, parks and natural areas tend to be less crowded.

Winter is the time of Waboose, Great White Buffalo, Spiritkeeper of the North. Waboose teaches us the lessons of cleansing, purity, and renewal. In cold climates, we humans tend to spend more time indoors during winter. This also provides the opportunity to focus our thoughts inward, which is why it's a great time of year to review the four seasons that have just passed and to begin planning for the next four.

And just like winter gives the plant and animal kingdoms and Mother Earth herself a chance for rest and renewal, this season can be a time when we focus on self-care and tending to our closest relationships.
Do you like or loathe winter? What lessons has it taught you?
I love to watch the snow falling. I also enjoy having my wood stove burning as it reminds me of the Bear tribe gatherings I have attended in the past. I find that I'm more introspective and spend more time writing letters and in my journal. I would say I like all the seasons as each has it's own charm.